Sunday, May 24, 2009

Brownie points

I have not posted in a while... not that I think anyone might notice.  But, I liked this exchange with my youngest daughter as a fine example of 7-year-old problem solving and me being... playful:

My wife baked some brownies for a party today.  My 7-year-old, A, walks into the kitchen while I am cutting the brownies to put on plates.

"Dad, are those brownies for us?"

"No, they are not."  I lied a little.  I was going to set aside the imperfect pieces for them.

"Well, could you set aside three for Z, S, and me?"

"No, I will not."  I am going to set aside more.

"Well, could you give me one then?"

"No"  Not right now.

"Well... could I have the knife you're using to cut them with?"

"No"  Not after all the no's I've said...

"Well... could I have the pan the brownies were in?"

Aw... now I feel like an ogre.  I tell her I was just teasing.  Her response?

"Dad!  Now can I have a brownie?"