Thursday, March 12, 2009

Forbidden Knowledge

The Book of Genesis suggests that, since the beginning, there has been some knowledge that must be withheld and that there can be dire consequences in its revelation.  Our modern "Information Age" seems to challenge this concept constantly.  Information that was once held sacred or secret is transmitted around the world for anyone to consider and utilize (such as my post on aiki).  On Thursday I attended a very interesting presentation on reiki.  As a part of that presentation, the presenter gave us copies of  some of the once secret reiki symbols.   When I inquired as to whether the casual dissemination of knowledge that was once held secret was prudent, she looked at me as if I had just sang the national anthem of Pottsylvania.

Must some knowledge be guarded?  Is it possible that some knowledge is not only too dangerous for anyone to hold but could also be considered evil?  I was able to talk to a wise philosopher about this just last night about this.  And, while I could try to give you a bastardized version of our conversation, you might be better off reading his blog in order to get a grasp of this issue (

For myself, based upon our conversation, I would say that I am convinced that some practical knowledge, or know-how, is too powerful for anyone to be aware of and possibly use.  And, I also believe that some practical knowledge, because of its potential to tempt us to commit evil acts, is in of itself evil.  Thus, next time you come across something that was hidden or locked away, or perhaps even guarded, I would hope that you would not take from that particular "tree" or share it with anyone.